Spiritual Travel for the Heart


Actual journeys 2011:
Reise Easter Island + Chile 2011-2012
Links to Journeys we made:
Reise Tahiti - Moorea - Easter Island
Reise Valle de Elqui - Easter Island - Moorea + extension Cook Islands
Reise Easter Island - Moorea + extension Maui
Reise Valle de Elqui - Easter Island


Dates: no datesw for Easter Island. Chile - December 2012

Our journey will start in the little town Hangaroa on Easter Island, called Rapa Nui by its local population of 4000. The island lies 4000 Km from the mainland of Chile and the island Tahiti in French Polynesia! It is one of the most isolated human habitation in the world.

Our hotel is surrounded by lovely gardens and located near the ocean in the centre of the village. You will feel immediately the high speedy energy of the island and will discover how easy it is, to become a member of the Rapa Nui community.

We will gather for a first celebrationFish on lava stones and walk along the coast to reach the location where we will enjoy our first Easter Island family meal. To honour the locals and their culture on this very first day on the island, we will have a traditional curanto / tunuahi in a private setting near the ocean.

The local food is cooked in the traditional way on hot lava stones, partly covered with earth and leaves.Ceremony before a race A special small ceremonial meal will be prepared to honour the Gods and all food will be blessed by traditional prayers, dances and chants. Musicians and dancers will show us their sacred dances and songs.

During our stay we will explore Rapa Nui on all levels and invite the Divine to guide us, so we will be at the right spot in the right moment for meditations, ceremonies and healings. The island is pure magic and once you get used to be there, you will surf on the flow of high energy and all becomes easy and flowing, pure joy and the deep feeling of "be" will be yours.

We will travel by plane to the mainland of Chile, arriving in the capital Santiago de Chile. To be with the new feminine energies of the new Kundalini center in Chile (radiating in Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile, see journey to Peru in November 2011!!!) We travel high in the mountain range of Chile. In the middle of the Andean mountains we gather in our hotel. Morning and afternoon are free to get used to the fresh air and the height of this place. jetlag away.

Together we will Carolina in Valle Elqui near Cochihuazexplore the Valley of Elqui, where the strong electro-magnetic energy radiates its light. We will enjoy the splendid nature and wildness of these beautiful valleys high in the Andean mountains. Snow peaks high as 5.500 Meter above sealevel border the valleys and to the East we find the border to Argentina.

Horses will bring us to places we can not reach by hiking. There will be plenty of time for each one to connect with this Kundalini center, the high electric energies and to meditate.

Depending on the weatherlots of wine for the famous Chilean drink: pisco sour we have several options and will invite the divine to guide us. This part of the world has the cleanest and purest air of the southern hemisphere and over 10 modern observatories were build to observe the skies and stars. I have never seen so many details (like the 2 rings around Jupiter for exemple) in my life!!! Wonderful und mysterious!! Is the weather good, we will be invited on a tour through the stars at night!

After our sacred journey to Peru (Machu Pichu ceremony at sunrise on 11:11:11) I will be attending the Polynesian Festival in the Marquesas Islands in December 2011. As it is extremely difficult to travel so far out into the South Pacific Ocean and difficult to get flights at all, I invite you to come with me when you feel this is your next step in life!! Did you always dream to see those islands? Be with the Polynesian people in their own celebrations? Be with only 100 tourists? Well then get a flight and come.

When I know enough time in advance, I can offer you a place to sleep (no hotels, no B&B, everything happens at the homes of the local people and their homes are not our standard!!) and my guidance. When you feel called to come, please email me. I will only take a maximum of 6 participants with me!!!

When you can let go of all your usual habits and ideas, you will have an amazing life changing experience.You will never forget it!!!

From the Marquesas I fly to Tahiti.Ceremony before a race Another possibility for your sacred journey would be: you start your journey with us in Tahiti or Moorea on December 24 or 25.

You will discover Tahiti's wonderful flowers and multiple smells. This is real Polynesia!! After breakfast at the hotel you have free time to enjoy the beach. The beaches of Tahiti are protected by coral reefs; this is the real Polynesian and Pacific feeling!!

By the end of the morning we will drive to Papeete where you will have free time for a nice French or Polynesian lunch and time for the famous shopping at the famous Tahitian market or at the little shops in town.

We gather at the harbour to board an afternoon ferry to Moorea. This is a wonderful half hour trip to enjoy the spectacular sights of the famous volcanic island of Moorea Ceremony before a racecoming nearer. Transfer to and check-in to our hotel, which is located on the coast and has direct access to the famous turquoise lagoons.

On our first day in Moorea we will visit several sacred sites and spots in the mountains, accompanied by our Polynesian guides and Elders, enjoy the loving feminine energies, the beautiful beaches, the lagoons, nature and wild life.

In our days on Moorea we will be guided where to go, where to be, where to participate in ceremonies or rituals and where to sit quietly and meditate.

A wonderful book to read: The Serpent of Light by Drunvalo Melchizedek!