Carolina meditiert in einem Heiau - Hawaiianischer Kraftort der Kahuna

Das Geheimnis der Kristallschädel
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13 Himalaya Kristallschädel: AmmAkuA finden Sie in der Mitte
der hintere Reihe. Die Dropa Sonnen-Disks liegen vorne.

Sind alle Kristallschädel alt??

Es gibt Kristallschädel die sehr alt, vielleicht über 10.000 Jahren alt sind, aber auch neuere, sogar ganz neue die rezent gemacht wurden.

"ANCIENT" -- a crystal skull that was fashioned at least 1500-2000 years ago or created much much earlier. It has been suggested that some of these crystal skulls could literally be (hundred of) thousands of years old based upon the studies conducted by various researchers or as has been suggested through the legends or oral traditions of different indigenous peoples. Presently there are only a small number of such crystal skulls known publicly. As to the exact number of how many ancient skulls could exist, this answer is unknown. At the present time, we do not have an exact scientific procedure to be able to date when a piece of quartz was shaped into a skull. However there are a number of different ideas and theories based upon paranormal research or legends that offer possibilities of how to identify a crystal skull as being "ancient" (or even "old"). Again, many of these types of skulls appear to have some type of link with different Mesoamerican cultures as well as possible ties with various Native American tribes or nations.

"OLD" - a crystal skull that was created between 100 years ago to about 1000 years ago. A number of these types of skulls have been discovered within or near ancient ruins in Mexico or Central America. In general, the appearance of these crystal skulls are somewhat crude in form and upon a close examination of the surface of an "Old" crystal skull, there are usually observed some type of tool marks left by its carver, similar to what can be detected with the newly made crystal skulls.

"NEW or CONTEMPORARY" - These are crystal skulls that are being manufactured by modern carvers. There are thousands upon thousands of such skulls in existence today. Since the middle part of the 1990's, there has been an explosion in the interest about the crystal skulls. There are quite a few people now, in all parts of our world, who have acquired their own personal skull to work with and use. The contemporary crystal skulls come in all shapes and sizes and are being primarily done by carvers in Brazil and China. These skulls can even be found for sale upon E-Bay.

It is the opinion of the World Mystery Research Center that the crystal skulls act like little mini-vortexes.

The World Mystery Research Center has been registered since 2001. For a four year period (through 2004), the center was able to conduct a number of interesting experiments with the crystal skulls thanks due to the generosity of other people and organizations located in America, South America and Europe, who donated special electronic devices or their time as test subjects. The electronic devices that were utilized for these tests were able to measure the energetic effect of the crystal skulls upon the test subjects. From the results of these preliminary tests, the Center could make the following observations or conclusions:

a. There seemed to be an intelligence at work or some type of program contained within the crystal skulls used in the experiments that responded to each test subject by generating a very specific energy field within or surrounding the test skull that in general produced a positive effect upon our test subjects. We were able to measure more harmony and balance in the bio-magnetic field of the physical body of our participants.

b. When people have meditated with the crystal skulls during a private session, the following patterns were observed: some people went into an alternative state of consciousness, others would have visions, some would experience the release of deep seated emotional or karmic blocks (energy blocks in their chakras or physical body) and a few people just felt utter joy or went into a state of bliss.

c. For some people, the contact with the crystal skulls would produce a special dream for them afterwards, or they would feel the effect of the energy of the skull for days afterwards. In other case, various participants of our tests, had one of their inner or spiritual gifts just spontaneously open up (such as their third eye or ability to hear "Spirit")

d. There are many people who have contacted the Center after participating in the tests that reported profound changes occurring in their lives (or sometimes the Center receives emails from people who have their own crystal skulls who reported the same). What happened to these individuals is either there were unwanted or undesirable personal situations in their life that were quickly resolved or there were unexpected and miraculous new doors of opportunity that just opened up for them bringing more peace and joy into their lives or they became inspired to explore and become more creative such as producing new works of art, music or writing.

Fragen und Info:
Carolina Hehenkamp